School starts on Wednesday, September 1st. The staff at Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter School are excited to welcome our new and former students to a new school year. This promises to be a year filled with many new opportunities and one that is set on exceeding student’s goals.
Social/Physical Distancing: Face mask will be required for all students, teachers, staff and visitors- regardless of vaccination status. Social distancing within the classroom will be done to the best of our ability up to three (3) ft.
Face masks will also be required for travel on all PFSJ buses. Uniform: PFSJ will remain having a no uniform policy, but students must dress appropriately.
Free transportation is provided to students who reside from Chicopee, Springfield, Holyoke, South Hadley & West Springfield. Bus routes will be sent out soon to parents/ student’s emails.
Please be sure to visit us on social media and download our app!